This Peace Project is a symbol of our hope in humanity and our belief that change is possible.

We have hope in our shared humanity and believe that change is possible. We believe that we can increase our capacity to care for one another and prioritize peace over violence. We trust that the world could be a more vibrant, and life-giving place than it is today, and we work alongside children and their families to create a more peaceful future for every living being on this planet.

We know that choosing peace does not mean we are free from conflict. We believe that conflict is a necessary and useful part of life, but we believe that it can exist without violence.  At London Bridge, we gather in social learning environments where we practice ways of being together that uphold and respect one another’s dignity and personhood, even through disagreement and tension.

As education professionals, we are interested in deliberately creating moments that nurture a deep sense of care for one another in our classroom communities. These moments are slowly pieced together over time and help children, and adults, to make meaning of their own lives, their purpose, others, and the world we share. We hope that by centering our curriculum around daily interactions that focus on peaceful conflict resolution and caring for everyone and everything in our classroom communities, we can be part of creating a world where all of us understand and practice what it means to live peacefully with others.

The colourful ribbons that you have seen in our centres are a symbol of our shared commitment to be accountable to upholding peace within our ongoing education and care practices. The following stories are examples of how this commitment shows up in our day-to-day interactions with our colleagues, children in our care, and their families.  

The world can be a frightening place. It seems there is always one disaster looming after the other. Each one wrapped in unending suffering and an insurmountable loss of life that is both human and more than human. We believe that the world can be a different place than it is today. A place with much less suffering and grief. As an organization responsible for caring for and educating young children, we feel obligated to take a public stand against the violence that currently exists in our world and consistently seems to land in the laps of our youngest citizens and undoubtedly pains entire communities.